MyOutcomes® goal is to have a positive impact in addressing 21st century mental health needs by helping clinicians and other mental health providers to become more effective in helping their clients achieve their therapeutic goals.
MyOutcomes is the preeminent tool for integrating the Feedback-Informed Therapy (FIT) model into any organization’s or individual’s practice.
As with any new tool or therapeutic approach, successful integration requires knowledge and training. To accommodate individual approaches to learning, MyOutcomes’ offerings include: On Track, a science-based implementation program, FIT eLearning, an accredited, 12-lesson training program for using FIT/MyOutcomes with clients, and Deliberate Practice (DP), a 2-module training program for improving professional development by using feedback.

On this page, you can purchase Dr. Scott D. Miller’s training manuals covering the various aspects of integrating the FIT Model and MyOutcomes into an organization as well as into individual practices. The target audience of these manuals are providers, supervisors, administrators…anyone who wants a better understanding of the science underlying FIT, wants an evidence-based practice that measures outcomes, and/or wants to integrate the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) and Session Rating Scale (SRS) into their practice or agency.
Please note: The manuals are e-books licensed for a single-user.
If you or your agency would like to provide access to all staff, please email for a quote and significant discount off the sale price.
Continuing Education Credits Available You can now receive 2 credits of continuing education from for reading this manual.
- Therapeutic factors responsible for effective treatment
- The qualities of effective helping relationships
- Qualities of effective clinicians
- The impact of feedback on retention and outcome
Upon completion of the manual, readers will be able to:
- Describe the significant findings regarding “what works” in behavioral health services from the past 40 years
- Identify the core components of the therapeutic alliance and the impact each has on outcome
- Identify therapist characteristics that have been documented through research to influence outcomes
- Describe how feedback works to improve outcome
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- What to measure
- Creating a “culture of feedback” in service delivery
- Using feedback to inform and improve care
Upon completion of the manual, readers will be able to:
- Describe the specific components of routine outcome measurement
- Use of outcome and alliance measurement instruments in routine clinical care
- Identify important factors in creating a culture for measuring client outcomes and using feedback processes
- Describe strategies for using feedback to inform and improve care on a routine and ongoing basis
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Manual 3 details key knowledge and skills involved in the practical application of FIT in clinical supervision.
The chief areas of focus are:- Creating a culture of feedback in supervision
- How to review the Outcome Rating Scale (ORS)
- How to review the Session Rating Scale (SRS)
- How to identify cases of concern
- How to use aggregate data to identify weaknesses in service provision and providers
- How to develop a collaborative service/provider improvement plan.
Upon completion of the manual, readers will be able to:
- Describe factors necessary to establish an effective culture of feedback in supervision and ways of monitoring outcome data on a routine and ongoing basis
- Identify and describe areas of focus in reviewing data from the ORS and SRS and how to integrate outcome feedback into supervision
- Describe common patterns of client response on outcome measures
- Identify and respond to cases of concern
- Use aggregate data to identify and develop a plan of remediation.
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Manual 4 explores key areas involved with documenting and monitoring client progress, analyzing data, and reporting on those data.
Specific sections of the manual include:- Psychometric Properties of the ORS and SRS
- Case Documentation of Client Progress
- Methods of Data Analysis for Individual Providers, Programs, and Agencies
- Data Reporting.
Upon completion of the manual, readers will be able to:
- Describe the psychometric properties of popular outcome and alliance measures in clear, nontechnical terms
- Use methods for documenting client progress in case notations
- Use methods for analyzing outcome data consistently and reliably in a variety of treatment contexts (e.g., private practice, agency, residential settings).
- Describe processes for using data in various formats for the purposes of reporting to third party payers, funding bodies, regulatory agencies.
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Manual 5 addresses the advanced applications of clinical work with diverse populations, treatment modalities, and service settings.
In addition, Manual 5 offers steps for achieving clinical excellence through deliberate practice. Specific content areas include:- Using routine outcome measurement in group therapy
- Applying FIT with special populations (i.e., children, families, couples, SPMI, DD, mandated clients, etc.)
- Applying FIT in specific service settings (i.e., inpatient, outpatient, residential, homebased, etc.)
- Steps to achieving clinical excellence.
Upon completion of the manual, readers will be able to:
- Use of routine outcome measurement in group settings
- Apply FIT with a number of special populations
- Applying FIT in specific service settings
- Apply skills of deliberate practice to continuously improve clinical skills and effectiveness.
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Manual 6 addresses key knowledge and steps for implementing and developing a structure for sustaining feedback-informed work in agencies and larger systems of care.
This manual offers detailed guidelines from planning to training to sustainability in organizations. Specific content areas of the manual include:- Using the GAP Assessment to identify target areas for organization change (i.e., identification of clinical, policy, administrative, funding, regulatory, supervisory, consumer challenges)
- How to conduct basic staff training
- Chief management, leadership, and supervision challenges and obligations
4. Creating and utilizing a transition oversight group to facilitate successful implementation - Conducting a pilot project
- Sustainability strategies (e.g., development of a training program, policy, etc.)
Upon completion of the manual, readers will be able to:
- Understand how to perform a GAP Assessment and assess organizational readiness for a transition to outcome-informed work
- Convey strategies for administration, management, leadership, and supervision
- Prepare a plan and implement a staff training program
- Pilot and implement an outcome management system
- Describe strategies for sustaining and improving the outcome management system.
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