Explore the Benefits of Evidence-Based Practice in your Mental Health Agency

Explore the Benefits of Evidence-Based Practice in your Mental Health Agency

Counseling can have a significant and lasting positive impact on a person’s wellness. From working on mental health issues to improving relationships with loved ones, counseling offers many lifelong benefits. But not all counseling techniques are created equal. Some methods have been proven to be more effective than others. That’s where evidence-based practices come in. Evidence-based practices refer to counseling techniques that have been researched and scientifically proven to be effective. In this blog, we’ll explore the benefits of evidence-based practices in counseling and some specific techniques that are particularly effective.

Why Evidence-Based Practice in Counseling is the Gold Standard

Enhanced Effecticacy

Evidence-based practices are backed by research that has shown them to be effective in treating a spectrum of mental health conditions. These techniques are more likely to produce better outcomes for clients and increase the likelihood of positive long-term results.

Avoiding Harm

Without evidence-based practices, a counselor may use techniques that could actually do more harm than good. By sticking to evidence-based techniques, a counselor is more likely to avoid using methods that could negatively impact a client.

Consistency in Counseling

Evidence-based practices offer a grounded structure for counseling, ensuring that each client receives the same level of care as the next. This consistency helps to keep the focus on the client, and during counseling sessions, it helps establish trust between the counselor and client.


While traditional counseling methods can be costly, evidence-based practices offer the advantage of being less expensive. For example, a therapist employing evidence-based practices such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) will be as effective as those using more traditional alternatives, yet serve clients with fewer sessions.

Better Outcomes for Clients

Evidence-based practices lead to better outcomes for clients by ensuring that counseling goals are reached. These proven techniques are more likely than alternative methods to produce outcomes that clients desire – such as increased functionality, satisfying social interactions, and improved quality of life.

ORS and SRS as Evidence-Based Practice in Counseling

Outcome Rating Scale (ORS) and Session Rating Scale (SRS) are counseling predictors that have been proven to improve therapeutic outcomes. Both can help the counselor and client monitor progress and ensure that counseling objectives are met.

ORS, short for Outcome Rating Scale, has been one of the top tools for evidence based practice in counseling. It comprises a set of standardized measures that counselors can use to evaluate clients’ progress throughout the therapeutic process. These measures are based on the clients’ input and perception of their counseling experience, empowering them to take an active role in their own recovery. By using ORS, counselors can assess the efficacy of their treatment methods, track changes in clients’ symptoms and functioning over time, and adjust their approaches accordingly. By effectively utilizing ORS, counseling professionals can ensure that they are providing the best care possible to their clients.

Using the Session Rating Scale (SRS) is another effective tool within evidence based practice in counseling. The SRS provides a standardized way to measure client satisfaction and engagement throughout the therapeutic process. This tool allows for consistent and objective data to be collected, which can be beneficial for both clinician and client. By regularly checking in on how the client is feeling about the sessions, the practitioner can tailor their treatment plan to best meet the client’s needs.

Trust Evidence Based Practice in Counseling for Optimal Results

The benefits of evidence based practices in counseling are numerous. They lead to better outcomes for clients, avoid doing harm, are cost-effective, and provide consistency in care. The use of ORS and SRS techniques even further improves therapeutic outcomes and enhances the client’s experience. By adopting evidence based practices, counselors and clients can achieve the desired outcomes faster and more efficiently. For professionals looking to bring their therapy to the next level, contact the experts at MyOutcomes. By soliciting usable and valuable feedback from your clients, you will enjoy improved outcomes and satisfied clients. Get in touch with us today to start your free trial.